You're invited to a true relaxation experience with calm, meditative music, tea, salt scrub...
Between 7:00 PM and 8:00 PM free yoga program will be available (for 8 persons max.). We recommend bringing your own yoga mat.
Make a informational reservation >> here <<
The yoga program is free with the purchase of a regular daily sauna ticket.
Participation in only the yoga program costs 5 euros and does not include access to the sauna.
Dynamic Stretch Yoga
This yoga practice involves dynamic movements in stretching and opening positions to release tension from contracted areas, rehydrate joints and joint capsules, reducing the risk of mechanical injuries, and contributing to overall well-being.
Vinyasa Yoga
This yoga practice is derived from the traditional execution of postures that comprehensively strengthen, open, and support major muscle groups in the body. The practice includes an initial breathwork (pranayama), standing poses (asanas), and specific sequences that are linked in a fluid movement known as vinyasa.
You can book a professional massage.
Reserve your spot
>> here <<
Stegne 35, Ljubljana
t: +386 (0)70 35 35 35